You’ll never find a more technical and more tested product out there in the hunting industry over Sitka Gear's Performance Hunting and Archery Gear. Sitka clothing offers a full line of products and systems which have all been divided up into specific categories so you get the best gear suited for that specific hunting style as well as the best pattern for the species you're on the pursuit for. Sitka Gear’s goal is to elevate the standard which all other hunting gear brands are measured.

Sitka SubalpineSitka Subalpine
Sitka Open CountrySitka Open Country
Sitka Elevated IISitka Elevated II
Sitka MarshSitka Marsh
Sitka TimberSitka Timber
Sitka Women's SubalpineSitka Women's Subalpine
Sitka Women's Elevated IISitka Women's Elevated II
Sitka Solid HuntingSitka Solid Hunting
Sitka Everyday WearSitka Everyday Wear
Sitka LogowearSitka Logowear
Sitka Work and TravelSitka Work and Travel
On Sale SitkaOn Sale Sitka
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