Austin Farr
Guide to Hearing Protection for Hunting: Protect Your Ears and Enhance Your Hunting Experience
To hear or not to hear, this is the question. When I was in Hunter’s Safety, they stressed the importance of wearing eye and ear protection when using a firearm. Even when at a shooting range, safety is always Number 1. In a sense, safety should be equally important while hunting, more specifically, hearing protection. Continue reading →
At a certain point in time, we have all been in the situation of having soaked pant legs after hiking around through the misty morning, dew-soaked brush in the mountains. A lot of us have even been in the scenario of hiking around late in the season where the air is crisp, and the snow has a rhythmic crunch with every step you take. These are both prime scenarios when wearing gaiters could be a comfort along with protecting your pant legs from some of the elements. Continue reading →
King’s Camo - XKG Layering System
What comes to mind when you think layers? Maybe, onions? Maybe, perhaps a 7-layer dip on game day (mmm………7-layer dip)? Or maybe layers of clothing? For the sake of this article, I am going to discuss clothing layers. More specifically, the XKG layer system from King’s Camo. My intention for this article is to dive into the system I have put together and discuss what XKG is, why I chose what I have, and the conditions I have experienced with it. Continue reading →
Selecting the Right Boot
What’s in a boot?...... A foot! Now that the lame joke is out of the way, I can address the topic at hand. What does it mean to select the right boot for you? What kind of features do you look for? What brands are out there? Why does any of this matter, it is just a boot…...right? My intention for this article is to share my experience from lessons learned to help shed some light on selecting a boot that is right for you. Continue reading →
Turkey Hunting -Top 3 Gear Choices for Beginners
Well, springtime here in Utah is just around the corner. For some this means nicer weather, rainstorms, and getting out of the winter funk. For others, it means to have the opportunity to get out in the woods and chase after turkey. There’s something about being in the turkey woods during the early spring. Maybe it’s the smell. Maybe it’s the sound of the birds chirping in the early morning hours. Or maybe it’s hearing that first gobble of the day echo through the trees. Whatever the reason, it makes for an exciting time in the turkey woods. Turkey hunting has been around for a while in Utah. There are two sub-species here in Utah, the Rio Grande and the Merriam’s. There are two seasons to hunt turkey in the spring - the Limited Entry and the General Season that includes a youth hunt the first weekend. The Limited Entry runs the last couple weeks in April. The youth (hunters 17 years of age or younger) then has 3 days to hunt before the General Season runs for the month of May. Hunting during the spring season can be exciting but very challenging. Utah wouldn’t be Utah if you didn’t experience all four seasons in a day. Depending on the day and where you’re hunting, you may have to deal with existing snow, mud, rain, or other obstacles Mother Nature may have in store for you. With all of that being said, you still can’t beat the time, experience, and the memories you get to have while in the woods. My intention of this article is to highlight what I would consider my Top-3 preferences for turkey gear to help someone wanting to start into chasing after turkey. Like trying anything for the first time, some really don’t want to break the bank before knowing if this is something they enjoy. These three items could be considered basic elements to get you started while still trying to be budget minded. Just keep in mind, what works for one may not work for another. Continue reading →