Knives are tools that have a countless number of uses and come in a similarly countless number of styles and designs. One thing all knives have in common is that whatever it is you’re using it for, it will do a better job if it’s sharp. Replaceable blade knives have come a long way over the past few years. Today they are used for EDC purposes as well as hunting applications. I own and use the Outdoor Edge Razor-Blaze replaceable blade knife. I use it frequently in the field and perform great in field dressing, skinning, and quartering duties.
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I’m a Danner man. At least, that’s what I used to say when someone asked me what my boot of choice was. 12 years ago, I bought a pair of Danner Pronghorn 400g out of the Cabela’s Bargain Cave. For the next 10 years I wore those things everywhere. I’ve always been in the “one boot to do it all” camp so I wore them in the warmer weather of early season archery hunts to cold, snowy late season elk hunts.
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