Kenetrek Bridger High Hunting Boot | Gear Review
By Ross MelvilleContinue reading →
Picking the Right Hunting Boot
By Josh Kirchner If one thing is true about hunting boots, they are not a “one style fits all” product. This is for a few reasons. We all have different feet, we hunt in various types of terrain and weather, and “to boot” hunting styles/methods vary from person to person. Because of this, the options are many in hunting boots. And because of this, based on extensive experience in the field, I’m going to break down these different styles of hunting boots. The end goal is to paint you a clear picture of what is going to work best for you and your style of hunting. For the purpose of this article, I’m going to refer to the Crispi lineup of boots, because that is what I use and prefer. With that said, this information can be applied to ANY boot company, so run with it. Also, I’m not a podiatrist. Just a hunter with real-world experience who has burned a ton of boot leather. What’s Your Style of Hunting? Continue reading →
Hanwag Makra Pro GTX Hunting Boot Review
by Skyler Harrison with Hunt the West podcast Choose Hunting Boots Wisely No matter where you hunt, boots are one of the most important gear considerations you’ll make. Boots can be a more loyal friend than a black lab or they can be your worst enemy - ending a hunt faster than a Coues deer can duck an arrow. You need to choose boots wisely. Continue reading →
Crispi Kenai Boot Review
With hunting season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to make sure you have all the gear you need for a successful hunt. One of the most important pieces of gear, in my opinion, is picking the right boot for your specific hunt. With years of experimentation on dozens of different brands and types of boots, I had settled on the Uninsulated Crispi Nevada as my go-to boot for hunting Elk here in the West. However, this year, Crispi introduced a new boot in their line-up which is basically an exclusive BlackOvis version of the Nevada with a few improvements, in my opinion. It is called the Kenai GTX. I’ve been testing this boot for a couple months now and wanted to share my initial impressions. Continue reading →
Crispi New & Updated Hunting Boots For 2022
The team at Crispi, both here in America and in our Italian factory is constantly looking to improve, update and innovate our boot line. The lessons learned while hunting all across North America create ideas that can turn into new updates, improvements, and designs. We are in a unique position here at Crispi US to take the ideas and feedback we gather throughout the year directly to our Italian designers to influence design decisions and directly lead to improvements and changes. With that in mind here are the new and updated boots in the Crispi line for 2022. Continue reading →
Picking The Right Late Season Hunting Boot
A couple months ago I began the search for a late season boot in preparation for a 3rd season mule deer tag I drew in Colorado. Typically, I wear an uninsulated boot for my September archery elk hunts but I knew this hunt could produce really cold temperatures and plenty of snow. I wanted a boot with insulation and a little more height. Continue reading →
Crispi Wild Rock Review (400g)
I’m a Danner man. At least, that’s what I used to say when someone asked me what my boot of choice was. 12 years ago, I bought a pair of Danner Pronghorn 400g out of the Cabela’s Bargain Cave. For the next 10 years I wore those things everywhere. I’ve always been in the “one boot to do it all” camp so I wore them in the warmer weather of early season archery hunts to cold, snowy late season elk hunts. Continue reading →
Crispi Warm Weather Boots
Ahhhh it's finally spring time. The sun is shining, kind of. It’s pretty much stopped snowing and draw results are slowly starting to trickle in. Hopefully you have already been out looking for sheds, turkey hunting or maybe setting baits for spring bear. As the temperatures and snow line keep rising, the mud dries out and the runoff slows down. Most of us are cleaning and storing our late season and winter equipment so we can start pulling out warm weather gear. The right warm weather equipment can take you from late spring shed, turkey and bear hunts, into summer scouting and the early archery season. Continue reading →
2020 In Review, Boot Edition
Out of all of the places that I hiked in 2020, the weather, terrain, and distances hiked varied EXTREMELY. In January, I started in the desert in Arizona. I then shed hunted a handful of locations in Utah, Idaho, and Nevada. During the summer months, I looked for velvet mule deer at the top of mountain peaks, and hiked all over those same peaks in September and October. I wrapped up the late season in November and December chasing elk and mule deer with a bow in Northern Utah. My takeaway from hiking in all of these locations was this: Dress accordingly, boots included. Continue reading →
Crispi Nevada Legend GTX Insulated Hunting Boot Review
One of the first things you learn as a mountain hunter is that if your feet aren’t happy, you aren’t happy. Your boots can literally make or break your whole hunt (or scouting trip, shed hunt, etc). A quality, durable, well-fitting and broken-in boot is an overlooked necessity that should be one of the most sought after items in your gear list. I refuse to let something like poor choice of footwear keep me out of the mountains!
Comfortable feet at 9300' Continue reading →
Gaiter Comparison
There has been a huge increase in the popularity and use of leg gaiters in the last few years in the hunting community. I personally had never used a gaiter until 4 years ago. However once I bought my first pair and started using them in wet and snowy conditions, I instantly realized their value. High gaiters will help prevent the bottoms of your pants from getting soaked by wet vegetation or snow while also keeping your boot uppers protected from the elements. They can also help keep out water in brief and shallow (below the top of the gaiter) stream crossings. They are not waders so don't expect them to keep your feet dry while crossing a raging river! I had the opportunity to personally go through and try out several of the most popular and newest hunting gaiters on the market and give my 2 cents about each of them. Below you'll find the features of each according to the manufacturer and then my own personal experiences using them. Some of my opinions may differ from others but they are based on my experience using gaiters while chasing everything from high country Mule Deer in the heat of August and September, to late season elk hunting in the bitter cold of January. First Lite Brambler GaitersThe First Lite Brambler Gaiters are built to take a beating with their coated Nylon straps, Cordura constructed insteps, and insanely tough seams. They will keep you dry and comfortable no matter the conditions or terrain. They utilize the same 37.5 by Cocona Technology which breathes like no other but is also extremely waterproof. They are currently only available in the Fusion camo pattern but I would like to see them in a solid color in the future. They are available in a S/M or L/XL. I have 16.5" calves and the S/M fits me perfectly. Continue reading →
Zamberlan Boots - Italian quality built for hunters
For the past 85 years the Zamberlan family has been making boots that are designed for rugged mountain use, including their dedicated hunting boots. Yes, I said family. You see, Zamberlan boots is now under the direction of Marco and Maria Zamberlan, third generation family to run their grandfather’s Italian boot company. That they are now emerging in the North...