Austin Farr - OVIS STAFF

Profession: Machinist
Instagram: @farr_out86
Hunting Style: Archery, Rifle, Shotgun
Favorite Species: Mule Deer, Antelope, and Waterfowl
Dream Hunt: New Zealand Tahr and Red Stag
Pursuits: Hunting, Backpacking, Shooting, Researching Gear, Wildlife Viewing, Fishing, Introducing My Kids To The Outdoors.
3 Most Essential Pieces Of Gear: Puffy Jacket, Backpack, Hiking boots
Next Gear Purchase: New Binoculars
Hi, my name is Austin and I love the outdoors! Growing up in Northern Utah, the desire to be outside has always called to me. Ever since I can remember I’ve always loved being in the mountains. While growing up, I loved my annual family trips to the Uinta Mountains where we would fish, hike, and ride 4-wheelers. Now that I am older, I still look forward to the times I can get out to enjoy the beauties of the outdoors that God has created.
For me, being outdoors consists of many different activities. Those activities include hiking, hunting, fishing, riding 4-wheelers, shooting, and sharing my passion and love for the outdoors with my children. Being outdoors has always been a passion for me. I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunities here in Utah to hunt anything ranging from ducks in the wetlands to deer and elk in the mountains. Whether I end up playing a weekend warrior or I’m packed in for five days in the backcountry…. who cares, I’m enjoying the outdoors.
I can be kind of a nerd sometimes when I talk about gear or hunting (my wife can confirm this). Generally, I’m pretty reserved when talking to new people, but if we get on the subject of hunting or outdoors, chances are we'll be there awhile.
Recent Contributions:
King's Camo - XKG Layering System
Selecting The Right Boot
Turkey Hunting - Top 3 Gear Choices For Beginners
Click Here To See All Of Austin's Contributions